Best in class Blood bags with EU Standard Safety features
Only available treatment for persistent neutropenia not responding to broad spectrum antibiotics and anti-fungal as well as post-transplant Cases. Donor neutrophils are harvested and transfused to patient within 24 hours.
Patients with high Platelet count (>10 Lakh/ and High WBC Count (Blast Crisis) will benefit from this procedure.
Peripheral Bone Marrow Stem Cell Harvest is the treatment of choice for Hematological Malignancies now a days. Stem Cells are mobilized using steroids, G-CSF and Plerixafor, collected using apheresis machine and issued for treatment or cryo preserved for future use.
We are proud to say that Uyirthuli Blood Center has all the state of the art technologies to separate the blood for maximum utilization in which one unit of blood can save four lives. Also this Blood Centre is run professionally by ELITE group of doctors and caters to many hospitals.
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